sunnuntai 15. kesäkuuta 2014

Sunday - Funday! Skimboarding, Liirtolautailua

Hello again,

So on a Sunday after my two night shifts I certainly do not feel like working out. So I have to come up with something else. Today I was invited by my friend who manufactures skimboards and is a founder of the company to try them out at a beach by sea East of Helsinki.

Here are three videos of me skimboarding. The sport is similar to surfing as it is done with a board and the board is used for sliding on the water surface. The board is smaller so it does not float your whole weight but using the surface tension one is able to slide on the surface if you have enough speed. That is the reason why I am running before jumping on the board. I did a bit over one and half hour session running and sliding. Doing something where you have to be creative with your body to learn a new sport, and especially if it is done outside in the nature, is something I feel like doing even if I'm too tired to actually go for a jog or hit the weights.

Movement is what produces improvement and progresses one, and it is even better if you are having fun doing it. This exercise improves balance, mobility and core strength on top of being loads of fun.

Enjoy the videos and have a great next week! Here in Finland we will be celebrating the mid-summer festival and since I'm working on Saturday when the festivities take place I go to our summer cottage for few days starting tomorrow. Enjoying the countryside and being away from the city is what keeps one healthy.

keskiviikko 11. kesäkuuta 2014

This is how I roll, but no animal print pants and in control

As I promised in the earlier blog post here is a video of the stair jumps that I've been doing. Looking slightly stiff still after Monday's leg workout. I'm not getting all the explosiveness while landing on one foot and then springing up to the other. I guess I was feeling strong as I was able to maintain a good rhythm until the end. So enjoy. As always with speed skating imitations the rhythm and explosiveness and effortless movement are the key elements to skating effectively.

Sama suomeksi eli tässä Malminkartanon jätemäen portaista nyt videota siitä miten niitä portaita hypitään. Pikkuisen tuosta on havaittavissa jäykkyyttä vielä maanantaina jalkapunttitreenin jälkeen. En saa kunnon joustoa aikaiseksi hypyn laskeutumisen jälkeen jonka kuuluisi ladata voimaa seuraavaa hyppyä varten jolloin se jousenomaisesti lennähtäisi oikealla rytmillä uudelle jalalle. Ilmeisesti fiilis oli kuitenkin suhteellisen vahva kun sain pidettyä rytmin hyvänä loppuun saakka. Kuten aina pikaluisteluimitaatioissa niin tässäkin tärkeimpinä elementteinä ovat rytmi, räjähtävyys sekä liikkeen vaivaton tekeminen.

Enjoy and wait for a video next week from the hill sprints!