Not much to say of this week. Starting on Tuesday I was slightly tired after last week which held 5 training days and 19 hours of training in total. 15 hours out of that was skating.
Anyways this week has been pretty good in total as I've managed to get more sessions done with my new friend and excellent training partner Shani Davis. I'm learning a lot from him on technique and hopefully as I start getting all my energy on the ice from the summer workouts I can lead some fast, world-class laps for him too.
Today was the first day that I tried to skate a bit faster on my own. 5x500m with 1200m recovery was the main training on top of explosive weights afterwards. I was semi-happy with most of the times as they averaged two seconds faster than one year ago at this time, and I'm starting to feel really good. Today was the first day that I was able to push myself to the limit of throwing up, which hasn't happened since early August. So my coach over here was truly right when he said that the summer training will be immensely hard to make the ice training easier. And I never could've guessed how right he was. Here I am training hard and spilling my guts out on the ice and Still, I am recovering from the summer.
Next week I'm gonna get the monkey of my back by stepping on the starting line for the first time. And next Wednesday will hold the first 400m tempos. As it is the first time when I really try to accelerate with full speed and power. The summer has brought me much more strength so this winter, watch out that I wouldn't go faster in the first 100 meters than the men's world record by running. Sub 10 second 100 meters, here I come.
Tomorrow another good workout and then it is time to start the second to last working week. Hope all of you have a great weekend and catch you soon with some video material of how I skate as my coach gets his back in order and is able to join us on the ice.
Going to see Insidious 2 horror movie tonight! Get some good shakes :E
Best regards,
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