Kind of debating on which language should I start because I've been coming up with all these fun thoughts on what to write. Well maybe I go first in English. And so to begin with. ALL RIGHT I'M IN A GOOD SHAPE. Beating myself up yesterday again with a four hour training session including weights and then running faster today with running tempos than before. Finished a quarter mile in the middle of the training in 75 seconds which is pretty good I guess. Well now I got too tired to flood out all my thoughts just getting to bed.
Anyways the way I got my head around training good, hard and feeling good about it was that I realized that speedskating or the way I do in it. Does not really matter at all.
Trying to get some time to write it all out later this week. Going to be busy with training tomorrow, movie on Friday, Golf outing by my company on Saturday and training on Sunday.
Stay tuned I might try to do a video just because I have so much fun stuff to say. And yeah now I'm falling asleep so I'm deeply sorry for all my Finnish readers!
Good night,
Tänään mua viihdytti Ketonen&Myllyrinne AA-tapaaminen. "Kato ko se ko otat sen ekan siitä niin sulle niin hyvä olo, ja alkaa niinku juttu luistaa ihan vieraittenki kanssa."
Äijillä on vaan hyvää juttua, vaikka mennäänkin aina riskirajoilla sen kanssa ketä loukataan, joten jos youtubesta tuota lähdette etsimään niin huumori matkaan.
Toinen linkki uuteen elokuvaan minkä halusin tässä laittaa, jolle nauroin itse aivan kuollakseni loppuverryttelyssä kun kaveri näytti tämän trailerin. Jackassin tekijöiltä!
Also my American readers, check this one out! :D
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