sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2013

Speedskater tricks nr.2!

So now it will be time to reveal to new moves on how speedskaters train!

This time will be in, low walk and a move called cross back. And another video of me chatting at the end. + Announcing my first sponsor from my hometown in Finland!

The cross back is a drill move meant to improve the strength, explosiveness and mobility in the corners. The biggest goal is to keep the hip at level all the time, just trying to produce as much side-ways power as possible. The leg crossing back should really cross back such that it is at the same level in front to back direction as the foot supporting the weight. The whole hip package should go on the supporting foot and there should be as little pressure as possible on the cross backing leg.

 The next move is low walk. The most traditional speed skating imitation move. It basically is just to imitate the push into the ground and how the free leg and arms move while actually skating. Also hip as level as possible. On this particular part I did not do that good job, even though the jump is pretty good but to improve this run I should've dragged my knee and "free" leg more on the ground.
So I hope you enjoy these videos! More coming in later on in few weeks as there's still plenty of tricks and moves left to show you my dear readers.

Eli tässä pari videota treeneistä! Ekassa näkyy liike joka paikallisella nimellä käännettynä taitaa olla vain takaaristiin, enkä oo vielä keksiny parempaa suomennosta kyseiselle sanalle. Toisessa näkyy kuivaluistelua eli se meidän kaikkien pikaluistelijoiden, syvästi(syvältä), rakastama kuivaluisteluliike, jota kesän aikana tulee tehtyä varmasti kymmeniä tunteja. Kengän kärjet kuluu luonnollisesti samaan tahtiin mutta varpaat ja polvet monesti säästyy onneksi kohtuullisessa kunnossa. Vielä loppuun Lontoon kielinen viihdytysvideo sekä ensimmäisen sponsorin julukistaminen.

For more information on Lastu check out this link:
Njuta och tack!

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